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Codeunit WSB_COCDocumentGroups

Exposes procedures to implement the "Document Comment Groups" feature on additional tables.


Name Value
Access Public



Opens the lookup page for the specified "Document Group Codes" field value to view and/or edit the document groups that apply for the comment. As parameter you pass the current value of the "Document Group Codes" field by reference, which may be edited on the lookup page by the user who changes the selection of document groups.


Type Name Description
Code[10] vDocumentGroups The "Document Group Codes" field value


Validates the specified "Document Group Codes" field value. Checks if all characters of the input string match with an actually existing document group, and if not, throws an error. The validation also removes any duplicates from the input.


Type Name Description
Code[10] vDocumentGroups The "Document Group Codes" field value