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Table WSB_LedgerCommentLineCOC

A table which stores comment lines for ledger entry records (e.g., customer ledger entry or vendor ledger entry).


Name Value
Access Public
Caption Ledger Comment Line
DataClassification CustomerContent
DataPerCompany True
DrillDownPageId WSB_LedgerCommentSheetCOC
LookupPageId WSB_LedgerCommentSheetCOC


ID Type Name Description
1 Enum WSB_LedgEntryTypeCOC EntryType The type of ledger entry (e.g., customer or vendor).
2 Integer EntryNo The entry no. of the ledger entry.
3 Integer LineNo The line no. of the comment line.
4 Date Date The date of the comment line.
5 Code[10] Code A code for the comment line.
6 Text[80] Comment The comment text of the comment line.
70257425 Boolean WSB_LineFeedCOC Specifies whether or not the comment line ends with a line feed.



Sets up the initial values for a new comment line record.


Allows to perform additional actions when the initial values for a new comment line record are set up.


Type Name Description
Record "WSB_LedgerCommentLineCOC" vRecLedgerCommentLineRec The current comment line record.
Record "WSB_LedgerCommentLineCOC" vRecLedgerCommentLineFilter The filters passed on from the wgFncSetUpNewLine method.